Open call is now closed.
Exhibition will take place in Tbilisi in September 2024.
Приданое [pridanoje] is a word that can mean both heirloom or dowry.

This project is an attempt to understand what we, born in the end or on the ruins of the USSR, came into the world with. What each of us got in an old wooden chest — whether it is a grandfather’s watch, a great-grandmother's spinning wheel or a ring, a forgotten name or carefully preserved papers. What happened to our families during and after an experiment the size of a country — and more than one country — and connect with this story.

Many of our ancestors have already experienced forced relocation, the loss of their entire lives and homes: evacuation, deportation, confiscation, emigration — choose yours. Multiple choice available.

Some of us are following their path. Many people see this as a repetition, even if their direct relatives did not have a similar story.
«Черными чернилами написано имя — Малышев Павел Осипович. Рядом с отчеством фиолетовым карандашом подписано — Иосифович.
Мой прапрадед был Иосиф.
Я позвонила маме.
— Мы евреи?
— Конечно, нет, — говорит мама.
— Мы русские, все русские, самые русские, что ни на есть.»

Елена Костюченко, «Моя любимая страна».
Some of us are now remembering the identity that our grandmothers tried to give up and hide for the sake of security, and now it is this identity that brings security today. Or it could have been, but it was erased so diligently that it remained only in memory.

Some, following their older relatives choice, experience self-censorship and internal emigration.
Some of us still have living relatives who have already fled one war, and are now fleeing again.

Some catch themselves reproducing things that previously seemed unnecessary or harmful, but now make sense — from stocking up on non-perishable food to collecting papers and diplomas (useful for visas and residence permits).

And some are trying to connect with the culture of their people and along the way they learn the reasons why it is so difficult to do this from today.

Whatever is looking at us from the old chest — we propose to name it, give it an image and think about how we live with this heirloom now.
Photography by Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky, 1904-1917.
If you have a personal family story that resonates with the theme of the exhibition (it's great if it includes photographs), please include it with your application. We hope to show the exhibition to people from Western Europe and other countries, and we want to provide as much context as possible.
Applying with a concept
If you are uncomfortable (it's difficult/expensive) submitting an application with an already finished work, you can send us a concept: a text statement and sketches/3D visualization indicating techniques and materials. In this case, it will be an advantage if you also attach your portfolio or a link to your artworks so that we understand your style and level of craft.

In this case, you may have less time to produce your work after we respond to your application, although we will make every effort to respond to everyone as we receive emails. If you need to know the answer urgently, contact us, we will talk to you and try to figure a way out :)

We may still not accept the finished piece if it is very different from the approved concept.
Applying with a finished artwork
You can either create a new artwork for the exhibition or submit one created earlier if it fits the theme of the exhibition.

You do not need to have professional photographs, but the photographs in the application must clearly show the piece — the photo must be bright and clear.
Our goal is to help artists and crafters from the Russian-speaking space expand their audience, try a new format and increase their portfolio. If participating in a project like this is new to you, don’t be afraid! We expect that many of the exhibition participants will not be professional contemporary jewelry artists and are always ready to help you. If you want to talk to someone about your concept or anything related to the project, write to us on Telegram.
Still having questions? Try reading this:
June 03
June 03
Open call starts
July 03
July 03
Application deadline
July 05
July 05
Application results
August 5
August 5
Shipping deadline
Sept 20 — 29
Sept 20 — 29
Exhibition dates
Escapist concept
Tbilisi, Pavle Ingorokva 20